Sunday, June 19, 2016

One Direction Liam Payne Cheryl Secretly Married? Payne Ready To Be A Dad!

Here's an interesting rumour for you - apparently Liam and Cheryl are already trying for their first baby together. Okaaaaaay then.

Reports in today's papers have quoted a 'member of Liam's inner circle' as saying: "It’s very serious now between Cheryl and Liam and they have been talking among close friends about starting a family.
"Cheryl is happier than she’s been since the good days of her marriage to Ashley Cole.
“She’s content and while they’re in the honeymoon period, this feels like a connection for the future.”
Meanwhile, a 'source close to Cheryl' said: "Her dream is to become a mum."
Maybe it's time to think about the people you're telling your personal stuff to, Chiam?

Cheryl's divorce from Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini will become official soon and the -ahem- 'source' says that Chezza is looking forward to being able to 'totally commit' to Liam.
Hey guys? You know you can have a committed relationship without having to reproduce, right?
Liam is taking a 'career break' to spend time with his lady-love and pals are apparently worried about how besotted he is with her.
One of Liam’s loose-lipped 'pals' said: “He has eight guitars and has barely picked one up since being with Cheryl.
"He is not writing music and he’s not out partying — he’s cooking for her and helping with her divorce details."
Only time will tell if the world is about to see another One Direction baby.

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