Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Did Katy Perry Name Her New Perfume After a "Bad Blood" Lyric?

As everyone and their grandma learned in Taylor Swift's hit "Bad Blood," there used to be "mad love" between Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. But then they began feuding — possibly over their shared ex John Mayer, possibly over the group of backup dancers that's worked for both of them over the years. And so now, there's "bad blood."

*Pauses to let you sing the chorus in your head* OK, ready to continue? 
Well, Katy is firing SHOTS now. She released a new perfume earlier this month, which is not traditionally known as a move that creates waves — except the name of her perfume is, shall we say, familiar?
Whoa. That's not just beef between two singers, that's immortalizing the beef in a fruity-musky fragrance that will sit on thousands of girls' bathroom counters for years. That's intense.
Katy's last perfume was called Mad Potion, so the name doesn't come totally out of left field. 
Your move, Taylor.

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